Saturday, June 4, 2022

A Hundred Years of Socialism In America

Since the 1920s, about a century now, socialists and communists have been trying to bring socialism to America. A group that traveled to Moscow in 1924 and returned with glowing reviews of socialism infiltrated FDR's cabinet and produced policies that made the Great Depression last far longer than it should have. Why? Because a desperate population will revolt, and capitalism created the first middle class in world history, making people far to happy and comfortable. But then WWII interfered.

Of course, FDR was the future model for the Democrat party - someone who leaned socialist, loved power, threatened the Supreme Court, created unconstitutional socialist programs and refused to cede power.

FDR passed before WWII ended, but the socialists did not stop. They've been in it for the long haul. They began to infiltrate Hollywood, then the media, then our schools. They've been teaching revisionist history bunk. They've been feeding us lies. They've decimated all things that produce comfort, wealth and good mental health, like family structure and capitalism. They've enacted social programs to create dependency - LBJ admitted this.
By the 90s, the goal was 8 years of Bill Clinton, 8 years of Al Gore, and 8 years of Hillary Clinton, and in 24 years, America as we know it would be gone. But then Bush won in 2000 and despite desperate attempts to cheat and overturn the election, Bush was inaugurated. The 9/11 attacks brought the nation together and flag-waving patriotism was back, much to the disdain of the left.
So Democrats came up with a new plan to bring about socialism - 8 years of Obama and 8 years of Hillary. Obama started the ball rolling, too - a healthcare bill that Congress "had to pass to see what was in it." An explosion of school violence and street violence that has eliminated the Giuliani-led clean-up of urban areas in the 90s. Racial division. "Climate change." Riots.
But the people saw through this and, despite cheating by Democrats and Hillary Clinton, elected Donald Trump as president. Trump got the economy going, began to bring manufacturing back, got Europe to pay more of their "fair share" of our defending their borders, defended our own borders, got ALL Americans a tax cut, putting more money in our pockets and allowing us to live more comfortably, and got us out of the Paris Accord whose entire goal was to redistribute American wealth.
So now Democrats really had to cheat. And they did. Somehow Joe Biden, who campaigned from his basement, received millions more votes than even Obama despite a complete lack of voter enthusiasm for him. Democrats used ballot harvesting to install an absolute puppet in the White House - two of them actually, because the healthy Kamala Harris is actually less intelligent and competent than the senile groper, Biden. The results have been completely predictable. Food shortages for the first time in my lifetime, inflation running rampant, an anemic economy, shrinking retirement accounts - all done to make us poor and less comfortable. Essentially, it's like fattening a turkey before Thanksgiving. Democrats are spreading hatred, poverty, and desperation in an attempt to bring about the socialism they've been trying to bring here for a century.
This November we can save our free lives. Let's not screw this up, America.

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