Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Gun Control Does Not Work

Yesterday Joe Biden did what Joe Biden does best these days: he went on TV and yelled at the teleprompter, sometimes incoherently, about gun control and "ghost guns," as if guns made from parts or from 3D printers were responsible for the sharp uptick in urban homicide rates since the return of ill-advised (a polite way of saying "stupid") left-wing policies led by people like New York City's former mayor, Bill (Warren Wilhelm) de Blasio.

Personally, I wouldn't trust a handgun made from parts (particularly those made of 3D-printed parts) because if the firearm fails and backfires, the shooter would either be dead or permanently disfigured and in pain for life.

That said, I understand the desire and the challenge of building something by hand.  My father restores antique cars partly because he loves old cars but mostly because he loves the challenge.  

I suspect that's why most people build a pistol - to see if they can do it.  I don't think anyone's building a firearm with the thought of using it in a crime.  And the reality is, there simply aren't a whole lot of reports on the news of people committing violent crimes with "ghost guns" to justify a crackdown on them.

But this is what Democrats do and have been doing for decades:  they enact policies that are soft on crime, then when crime increases, they announce new gun laws.  They've been infringing on Constitutional firearms rights for decades and yet, there are still gangs roaming the streets committing violent crimes including homicide with all kinds of weapons, including firearms.  But Democrats never seem to want to address that problem.  Instead, they limit freedom on law-abiding citizens.

Then, of course, today there was a mass-shooting in Brooklyn that Democrats in New York and Washington will use to push for more limitations on legal firearms that will not stop a criminal or the criminally insane from acquiring an illegal weapon and using it.

And it's important that we address both of those groups - the criminal and the criminally insane.  They are the cause of most crime, violent crime, and use of firearms in a crime in America.

Why do sane people turn to crime?  Primarily because they're poor and/or addicted and in need, so kids join gangs and adults turn to crime to feed their habit.  And Democrats respond to crime by legalizing narcotics and releasing criminals.  Unsurprisingly, drug use has skyrocketed as has violent crime.  Go figure.

Why do criminally insane people turn to violent crime?  Because they can.  Decades ago the criminally insane were institutionalized; now they're household names of infamy after mass shootings that would never have happened had they been living in a psych ward.  The most egregious case occurred in southern Florida where a teen with serious mental disorders was passed from school to school because everyone knew he was dangerous and no one wanted to deal with it.  But predictably, every time the criminally insane shoot-up a school or a train or anywhere else, Democrats blame the firearm and use the homicidal attack as an excuse to curb the rights of the millions of gun owners who've never committed a crime.

So where do we go from here?  Back to 1992, in New York City.  That year there were 2,262 homicides in the city.  That's 6.2 murders a day.  And after decades of lax Democrats leadership, New Yorkers were fed up and elected a Republican mayor for the first time since Fiorello LaGuardia's three terms ended in 1945.  (Yes, John Lindsay was elected as a Republican in 1965, but was the man for whom the term "limousine liberal" was created and was re-elected on the Liberal Party ticket in 1969 before running for president in the Democrat primary a few years later).

That mayor who won in 1993 was Rudy Giuliani, who promptly cracked-down on crime and violence and cleaned-up New York City after decades of rot.  Giuliani's policies were so effective that they were followed by cities across the country and by the end of 2001, New York City experienced just 649 murders (excluding the 9/11 terror attacks).

Mike Bloomberg followed Giuliani as mayor and continued Giuliani's law-and-order policies and by 2013, New York City was averaging less than one murder per day, making New York City one of the world's safest large cities.

The path America must chart for a safe future is crystal clear - we must have law and order and criminals must pay for their crimes with prison time.  The criminally insane must be removed from society and institutionalized, as difficult as that may be for parents to accept.  

With regard to the enforcement of New York City's ridiculously low speed limits, Bill (Warren Wilhelm) de Blasio said, "If it saves just one life, it's worth it!"  If only Democrats felt this way about law and order and the criminally insane, we'd all have safer cities without having to have our Constitutional rights infringed upon.

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